Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How To...Anything At All

My colleague, Dr. Joe Adam Fry, has kindly volunteered to write a guest post for 5 Cool Things, highlighting a little prototype that our team has been working on.  Take it away Joe...

So the idea was that as we work with YouTube content and Google Search data every day, we know that there is a how-to video for pretty much EVERYTHING in the world. 

So, how would you go about learning everything? Well, head over to How To Something and start learning all the things!
The world’s biggest and longest tutorial loads a random how-to video which you can either watch, share or skip if you already know how to do that particular thing. The results are generated from a randomized list of 600 verbs which is then contextualized by returning the top query phrases around that particular verb (using the suggest API).  So you too can learn, in one continuous STREAM OF AWESOME, how to marry a millionairehow to skin a squirrel, or how to sneeze on command and much more.

The result? Serendipitous learning at its best.

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