Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Old Spice Guy Fabio

New Old Spice Guy Fabio
The Old Spice guy is back...but this time it's Fabio rather than Isaiah Mustafa.  Old Spice has been uploading a series of new spots starring Fabio and his long locks.  As always, the spots are amusing and offbeat, but do Fabio has pretty big shoes to fill.  They're even playing off of that in several of the spots, with Fabio talking about how he's the best Old Spice guy ever.  Reaction thus far on Twitter, Youtube, & Facebook has been pretty negative, but those people are kind of missing the point.

A couple interesting things...in the past whenever Old Spice has run new campaigns they've used the same Youtube brand channel (youtube.com/oldspice), but for this campaign they're using a new brand channel.  That makes me think that this is just a temporary measure while the real Old Spice guy is off in Hollywood shooting movies.  Other outlets have speculated that 'the whole thing was likely an elaborate joke to incite instant negative reaction on social media and on YouTube resoundingly against Fabio. In that case, the whole exercise was a resounding success.'  P&G has confirmed that Isaiah Mustafa will be coming back at some point in the future.

UPDATE:  As hypothesized, Fabio's involvement is part of a larger stunt involving Isaiah Mustafa who has challenged Fabio to a duel Mano a Mano in el Bano @ Noon EST July 26th.

Supporting Articles: Brand Channel | Washington Post | Daily Mail

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